Mrs. Fikriye YAKISTIRAN Ms. Mirela CELA Secretary of the PABSEC Albanian Delegation
Bilateral and Multilateral Relations Department
Foreign Relations Service of the Albanian Parliament
Blvd Dehmoret e Kombit", № 4, Tirana / Republic of Albania
Tel: +355 67 201 8929
Fax: +355 42 227 79 49
E-mail: mirela.cela@parlament.alMs. Meri VARDANYAN Secretary of the PABSEC Armenian Delegation
Chief Specialist of Inter-Parliamentary Relations and European Integration Division of the Foreign Relations Department
National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
19 Baghramyan Ave. 0095, Yerevan
Tel.: +374 11 513389
Email: mary.vardanyan@parliament.amMr. Ilgar NURI Secretary of the PABSEC Azerbaijani Delegation
International Relations Department
Interparlaimentary Cooperation Division
Milli Mejlis of Republic of Azerbaijan
1 Parliament ave., 370152
Tel: +994 12 497 31 65
Fax: +994 12 493 49 43
E-mail: Milena RADULOVA Secretary of the PABSEC Bulgarian Delegation
State Expert at the International Relations and Protocol Directorate
National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
Office 387A
1, Alexander Batemberg Sqr. 1169
Tel: +359 2 939 35 81/ +359 889 809 498
Fax: +359 2 987 18 07
E-mail: m.radulova@parliament.bgMs. Nino BUJIASHVILI Secretary of the PABSEC Georgian Delegation
Parliament of Georgia
Irakli Abashidze Street No: 26,
Kutaisi / 46+9 / Georgia
Leading Specialist, Department for International Relations
Tel: +995 599 55 01 81
E-mail: nbujiashvili@parliament.geMs. Christina BALKAMOU
Secretary of the PABSEC Hellenic Delegation
Directorate for European Affairs
Hellenic Parliament
Avenue Vas, Amelias 3rd floor
Athens / Hellenic Republic
Tel: +30 2 10 373 35 45
Fax : +30 2 10 373 35 48
E-mail: Ms. Adela GUTU Secretary of the PABSEC Moldovan Delegation
Senior Adviser of the Foreign Affairs Division
Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
Stefan Cel Mare st., №105, 77033
Chisinau / Republic of Moldova
Tel: +373 22 820 182
Fax: +373 22 233 210
E-mail: adela.gutu@parlament.mdMr. Rexhep PREKOPUCA Secretary of the PABSEC North Macedonian Delegation
Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia
International Cooperation Department
Head of Bilateral Cooperation Division
St. 11 Oktomvri, No.10 Skopje
Republic of North Macedonia
Tel: +389 2 3119 825
email: r.prekopuca@sobranie.mkMs. Cosmina MOLDOVAN Secretary of the PABSEC Romanian Delegation
Senate of Romania
International Relations Department
13th September St.
Bucharest / Romania
Tel: + 40 21 414 2631
Fax: + 40 21 313 35 07
E-mail: cosmina.moldovan@senat.roMs. Vali Mihaela GREERE Secretary of the PABSEC Romanian Delegation
Chamber of Deputies
General Division for Foreign Affairs and Protocol
Directorate for Relations with International Organizations and the EU
Palatul Parlamentului, Str. Izvor No. 2-4
Bucharest / Romania
Tel.: +40 21 414 1971
E-mail: vali.greere@cdep.roMs. Irina ZOLOTAREVA Secretary of the PABSEC Russian Delegation
Federation Council of the Federal Assembly
DIMITROVKA 26, 103790
Moscow / Russian Federation
Tel: +7 495 697 34 11
Fax: +7 495 697 73 90
E-mail: Valery STAVITSKY Secretary of the PABSEC Russian Delegation
State Duma of the Federal Assembly
International Relations Department
1 Ohotni Riad st., 103265
Moscow / Russian Federation
Tel: +749 692 26 11
Fax: +7 495 692 87 43
E-mail: Ms. Aleksandra JOVANOVIC Secretary of the PABSEC Serbian Delegation
Senior Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs
National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia
Kralja Milana 14, Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 3026568
Fax: +381 11 3235 925
Email: aleksandra.jovanovic@parlament.rsSecretary of the PABSEC Turkish Delegation
External Relations and Protocol Department
Grand National Assembly of Türkiye
T.B.M.M. Ankara / Republic of Türkiye
Tel: + 90 312 420 67 53 / 63
Fax: + 90 312 420 67 68
E-mail:,, Mr. ....... Secretary of the PABSEC Ukrainian Delegation
Inter-Parliamentary Relations Office
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine / 5 Hrushevskoho Street 01008, Kyiv, Ukraine
Tel: +38 044 255 27 96