Visit of the PABSEC Delegation to the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, Sofia, 27 May 2019

In the framework of the PABSEC Monitoring Mission to the European Parliament elections in Sofia the PABSEC Delegation composed of Mr. Ramaz Nikolaishvili, Vice-Chairman of the PABSEC Legal and Political Affairs Committee and member of the PABSEC Georgian Delegation, and Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, paid a visit to the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, on 27 May 2019, and met with Mr. Petar Kanev, PABSEC Vice-President and Head of the PABSEC Bulgarian Delegation.

Participation of the PABSEC Delegation in the Monitoring of the Elections to the European Parliament in Bulgaria, 25-27 May 2019

On 25-27 May 2019, the PABSEC Delegation composed of Mr. Igor Becic, Head of the PABSEC Serbian Delegation, Mr. Ramaz Nikolashvili, Vice-Chairman of the PABSEC Legal and Political Affairs Committee and member of the PABSEC Georgian Delegation, and Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, participated in the monitoring of the elections to the European Parliament in Bulgaria.

PABSEC Participation in the 12th Work Council, Ankara, 23 May 2019

Mr. Fuat Kucukaydin, PABSEC Deputy Secretary General participated the 12th Work Council organized by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Turkey together with International Labor Organization (ILO) in Ankara on 23 May 2019. The topic of the Work Council was: “100th Anniversary of the ILO: Working for a Brighter Future”.  At the opening of the Meeting speeches were made by Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Republic of Turkey, Mrs. Zehra Zumrut Selcuk, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Affairs, and Mr. Guy Ryder, Director General of the International Labor Organization. 

PABSEC Participation in the Diplomacy and Peace Seminar, Ankara, 22 May 2019

On 22 May 2019, the Seminar on Diplomacy and Peace was organized by the Department of Political Science and International Relations of TOBB University of Economics and Technology in Ankara. The main topic of the seminar was Peace, Diplomacy and Iranian Foreign Policy. PABSEC International Secretariat at this Seminar was represented by Mr. Fuat Kucukaydin, PABSEC Deputy Secretary General.