Visit of Mr. Cemal Ozturk, PABSEC Vice-President, Head of the PABSEC Turkish Delegation, and Mr. Elshad Mirbashiroglu, member of the PABSEC Azerbaijani Delegation to the PABSEC International Secretariat, Istanbul, 9 July 2021.

On 9 July 2021, Mr. Cemal Ozturk, PABSEC Vice-President, Head of the PABSEC Turkish Delegation, and Mr. Elshad Mirbashiroglu, member of the PABSEC Azerbaijani Delegation, visited the PABSEC International Secretariat and met with Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General.

Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General informed the members of the Assembly about the current and future activities of the PABSEC and its committees, as well as about the upcoming organizational changes in connection with the decision of the PABSEC Standing Committee on setting up of a new fourth PABSEC Committee.

Mr. Cemal Ozturk, PABSEC Vice-President, Head of the PABSEC Turkish Delegation, and Mr. Elshad Mirbashiroglu, member of the PABSEC Azerbaijani Delegation, welcomed the proposals presented by the Secretary General and noted the timeliness of the decisions adopted at the PABSEC General Assembly held on 22 June 2021.