Visit of Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, to the Bosphorus (Bogazici) University, Istanbul, 28 March 2022

On 28 March 2022, Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, visited Bosphorus University and met with the Rector of the University, Professor Mehmet Naci Inci.

During the conversation, the PABSEC Secretary General informed Professor Inci about the current and future activities of the Assembly, especially in the fields of science and education, and emphasized the importance of cooperation with the educational institutions. The Secretary General expressed his intention to enhance the cooperation in the fields of education, science and research and to multiply joint events organised together with the educational establishments and the research centres. He stressed that the Parliamentary Assembly is contributing to strengthening the multilateral cooperation among the Member States of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation and expressed the interest in organizing a joint event with the Bosphorus University in the sphere of science and education.

Professor Mehmet Naci Inci informed the Secretary General about the current activities and projects implemented by the Bosphorus University and supported the idea of ​​holding joint events under the auspices of the PABSEC in the near future. He wished the Parliamentary Assembly success in its activities.