The PABSEC Participation in the online Meeting of the BSEC Committee of Senior Officials, 20 December 2022

On 20 December 2022, Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, and Mr. Miltiadis Makrygiannis, Deputy Secretary General, participated in the online Meeting of the BSEC Committee of Senior Officials.

The Meeting was attended by the representatives of 13 BSEC Member States, the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB), the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS), as well as BSEC observers and sectoral dialogue partners. The Meeting was chaired by Ms. Gabriela Moraru, Representative of the Moldovan BSEC Chairmanship-in-Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova.

The Committee took note of the information on the current and future activities of the BSEC Permanent International Secretariat, as well as information on the meetings of the BSEC Working Groups. The Committee took note of the information on the activities of the BSEC Related Bodies.

Mr. Asaf Hajiyev informed the participants about the result of the PABSEC General Assembly, which took place in Belgrade on 6-8 December 2022, and provided detailed information on the upcoming meetings of the PABSEC committees. He also noted that the PABSEC has received observer status in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean. The PABSEC Secretary General also emphasized that the PABSEC Presidency in the first half of 2023 will be carried out by the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye and that events dedicated to the 30th PABSEC Anniversary are planned during this period.