The PABSEC Participation in the 12th Session of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly, 13-18 December 2019, Antalya, Turkey

Mr. Cemal Oztürk, Head of the PABSEC Turkish delegation, represented the PABSEC at the 12th Session of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), which was held in Antalya on 13-18 December 2019, upon the invitation of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT).

The topic of the meeting in Antalya was “The Role of Multilateral Cooperation between the Asian Parliaments”. The Meeting was attended by the heads of parliaments and parliamentary delegations from 42 APA member countries, as well as observers and guests.

During the meeting, Mr. Mustafa Sentop, APA President, Speaker of the GNAT, and the Presidents of the participating parliaments presented their visions on the Agenda issues.

The Assembly accepted the Qatar Majlis as-Shura (parliament) and the East Timorese National Parliament as the full members of the APA.

The 12th APA General Assembly concluded with the adoption of a joint declaration. The document notes that Turkey will continue to chair the APA in 2020-2021.

On the side-lines of the Session Mr. Oztürk met with representatives of member countries and international observer organizations and exchanged views.