The PABSEC Delegation took part in the 28th General Assembly of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, Crete (Greece), 23-25 July 2021.

Mr. Igor Becic, Head of the PABSEC Serbian Delegation, and Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, took part in the 28th General Assembly of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (IAO), which was organized by the Hellenic Parliament in Crete on 23-25 July 2021.

The main topic of the General Assembly was “The Future of the World, the Future of Europe after the Pandemic”. The Assembly was attended by the members of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, representatives of Orthodox churches of some states, observers and guests from international parliamentary assemblies, as well as the representatives of local authorities.

Addressing the participants of the Assembly, Mr. Igor Becic, Head of the PABSEC Serbian Delegation, stressed the importance of the Black Sea Region in world politics, the need to strengthen inter-religion dialogue to enhance peace, cooperation and find common approaches in solving emerging problems. The role of parliamentary diplomacy in resolving topical issues in the region and strengthening political stability was noted.

Within the framework of the General Assembly, the PABSEC Delegation met with Mr. Sergei Gavrilov, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (Russia), and Mr. Maximos Charakopoulos, Secretary General of the IAO. It was stressed that both Assemblies are ready to further strengthen cooperation and to organize a joint event on security and stability in the Wide Black Sea Region.