Participation of the PABSEC International Secretariat in the Start Ceremony of the “Europe-Orient / East-West” Friendship and Peace Rally, Istanbul, 23 May 2021

The Start Ceremony of the Turkish stage of the 15th Europe-Orient/East-West Friendship and Peace Rally took place in the presence of Ambassador Faruk Kaymakçı, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for the EU Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, with the participation of Mr. Necati Selvi, Deputy Head of  Fatih Municipal District, Mr. Wilfried Gehr, President of the Europe-Orient Rally and Mr. Nadir Serin, President of the East-West Friendship and Peace Rally, as well as about 50 amateur rally racers from various European and other countries.

The Europe-Orient/East-West Friendship and Peace Rally has been organized since 2011 as an event in the framework of the European Union Communication Strategy (EUCS) and marking of the Europe Day on 9 May and is supported by the Directorate for the EU Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey. The Europe/-Orient / East-West Friendship and Peace Rally is an adventure rather than a race. Only old cars, which are worth less than 1,100 euros, can participate in the rally. This year, the rally, in which 20 cars and around 50 racers participated, started on 16 May 2021 from Brussels, Belgium. The rally will cross Turkey from 21 May to 29 May 2021 and will end in Dalyan, Mugla.