Participation of the PABSEC International Secretariat in the Regional Stakeholders Workshop on “Economic opportunities of a circular economy: tackling plastic and micro-plastic pollution in the Black Sea region” held on 17 November 2020

Ms. Milena Ljubinkovic, Secretary of the PABSEC Economic, Commercial, Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee took part in the Regional Stakeholders Workshop on “Economic opportunities of a circular economy: tackling plastic and micro-plastic pollution in the Black Sea region” that was held online on 17 November 2020.

Officials and experts from various countries that are covered by the Black Sea Synergy Initiative, experts from the BSEC states, representatives of European Commission and European External Action Service, the Black Sea Commission, BSEC Permanent Secretariat, representatives of academia, industry and civil society took part at the meeting.

At the workshop participants shared examples of tackling pollution with plastics and micro-plastics, with a focus on the economic opportunities from a better management of plastics and discussed the role of policies and international cooperation in the context of circular economy and plastics management. Also  the latest strategies and policies of the EU in this domain were presented as well as the ideas and cooperation projects in this field, to be further pursued by regional stakeholders, in national, regional/EU or international programmes and financial mechanisms.