Participation of the PABSEC International Secretariat in the Inter-Parliamentary Union online event on “The role of women’s leadership and gender-responsive parliaments in climate action”, 14 March 2022

Ms. Pavlina Lozanova, Secretary of the PABSEC Legal and Political Affairs Committee took part in online event organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union on “The role of women’s leadership and gender-responsive parliaments in climate action”, held online on 14 March 2022.

The event was organized by the IPU and UN Women, aiming to recognize the need for concrete legislative actions towards women’s political participation and legislative initiatives for gender-responsive climate action.

The event brought together parliamentarians, officials, civil society and United Nations representatives.

The event included two sessions with discussions on specific topics, dedicated on the “Women’s leadership and political participation in climate action” and the “Experience sharing on legal and policy reforms for gender-responsive climate action and green parliaments”.

During the meeting, the participants shared good parliamentary practices on responding to climate change. It was noted that the governments, business and civil society should make efforts to change the current situation in order to mitigate the most devastating consequences of the climate and environmental crises. Outdated polluting technologies and unsustainable growth strategies must be replaced by new green models that prioritize environmental and social well-being. The participants concurred that the dialogue could help scale up political will and transformative actions towards advancing women’s participation and gender-responsive parliamentary climate and environmental action through legislation and policies. It was noted that the parliaments can move towards an inclusive green economy as well as integrated green approaches to post COVID-19 recovery.

In conclusion, it was recognized the need for the adoption of concrete action towards gender-responsive climate legislation and policies.