Participation of the PABSEC Delegation in the Meeting of Ministers in charge for Tourism of the BSEC Member States, Varna, Bulgaria, 14 June 2018

The PABSEC Delegation composed of Mr. Petar Kanev, PABSEC Vice-President and Head of the PABSEC Bulgarian Delegation and Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, participated in the Meeting of Ministers in charge for Tourism of the BSEC Member States in Varna, Bulgaria, on 14 June 2018. The meeting was preceded, on 13 June, by the Meeting of the BSEC Working Group on Cooperation in Tourism.

The representatives of the BSEC Member States, BSEC Related Bodies, BSEC Observers, Special Dialogue Partners and several international organizations attended the meeting. During the meeting, the participants delivered their statements and discussed the agenda items. The debate was focused on promotion of cooperation in tourism among the BSEC Member States. 

In his intervention, Mr. Petar Kanev, in the capacity of PABSEC Vice-President and Chairperson of the Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism in the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, informed the participants about the activities of the PABSEC and the Bulgarian Parliament in the field of Tourism. He stated that the countries of the Black Sea Region possess remarkable cultural and ethnic diversity, rich historical and architectural heritage and diverse natural resources, therefore they have the potential to become very attractive and popular destinations.

Mr. Hajiyev noted that the BSEC Region is facing problems in the field of tourism due to the negative impact of the refugee’ crisis, therefore he stressed upon the need for concrete measures and a common strategy on this subject. He informed that the PABSEC adopted the respective Reports and Recommendations in this field.

At the end of the meeting, the participants adopted the Joint Declaration of the Ministers in charge of Tourism of the Member States of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.