The PABSEC Participation in the Global Parliamentary Conference on “Parliaments and the Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees: How to Bring About Stronger International Cooperation and National Implementation”, Istanbul, 20-21 June 2022

Mr. Cemal Ozturk, PABSEC Vice-President, Head of the PABSEC Turkish Delegation took part in the Global Parliamentary Conference on “Parliaments and the Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees: How to Bring About Stronger International Cooperation and National Implementation”, jointly organized by the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye (GNAT) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Istanbul on 20-21 June 2022. Mr. Ozturk was accompanied by Mr. Ali Ustundag, Administrator of the PABSEC International Secretariat.

At the opening session of the Conference, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Türkiye, addressed the participants with a video conference. Welcoming speeches also were delivered by Mr. Mustafa Sentop, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, Mr. Duarte Pacheco, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and high representatives of the parliaments of the IPU member countries. The Conference was attended by 12 Speakers and parliamentarians from the IPU member countries, as well as experts, scientists, and representatives of non-governmental organizations working in the field of migration.

The six sessions discussed the following issues: Global Compacts: targets, commitments, progress, and setbacks in implementation; Permanent solutions to involuntary migration: prevention of migration in the countries of origin; Addressing irregular migration, including by managing borders and combating transnational crime; Responsibility and fair burden-sharing in the field of migration; Adjusting the lives of migrants and refugees: human dignity, social inclusion, and cohesion; Experience of Türkiye as the country hosting the highest number of immigrants in the world. It was noted that in recent years the topic of migration and refugees has acquired particular relevance and requires greater efforts by the international community to resolve the issues that came to the fore.