PABSEC Participation in the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) Parliamentary Meeting, Glasgow, 7 November 2021

Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, took part in the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) Parliamentary Meeting, organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in cooperation with the United Kingdom Group of the IPU, in Glasgow, on 7 November 2021.

The Parliamentary Meeting was attended by representatives of parliaments-members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and of international organizations. This event took place within the framework of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

At the opening of the event, the participants were addressed by Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the UK House of Commons, Lord John McFall, Lord Speaker of the UK House of Lords, Ms. Mary Robinson, Chair of the Elders, former President of Ireland, Mr. Duarte Pacheco, President of the IPU, and Ms. Harriett Baldwin, Chairperson of the British Group of the IPU.

The COP26 Climate Conference is particularly important against the background of the increasingly alarming impact of human-made climate change.

In their speeches, the world leaders and key experts pointed out the relations between the climate change problems, the information technological progress and the green energy. The advances in information technology make it possible to reduce the emission of dangerous substances into the atmosphere, and the enhancement of green energy allows to avoid the barbaric management of natural resources.

It is important to include the climate change issues in the educational of programmes for the coming generations, to effectively address these challenges. Even the emergence of new areas of training is possible.

It is equally important to pool the world’s achievements in these areas and efficiently use renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, etc.

The participants in the Parliamentary Meeting adopted the Outcome Document, in which the MPs laid out a roadmap for an increased parliamentary engagement to address climate change. The Document underlines the importance of legislative, oversight, budgetary and representation functions of parliaments in ensuring the implementation of the climate change objectives, as contained in the Paris Agreement, the main legally-binding international treaty on climate change.