Participation of the PABSEC International Secretariat in the meeting of the BSEC Working Group on Agriculture and Agro-Industry, 23 November 2021

Ms. Milena Ljubinkovic, Secretary of the PABSEC Economic, Commercial and Financial Affairs Committee took part in the meeting of the BSEC Working Group on Agriculture and Agro-Industry organized online on 23 November 2021.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bulgaria, Georgia, Hellenic Republic, Republic of Moldova, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Russian Federation, Republic of Turkey and Ukraine. The representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran participated in the meeting in the capacity of the BSEC Sectoral Dialogue Partners. A representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN attended the meeting as a Guest.

The Working Group discussed the results of the UN Food Systems Summit held in New York on 23 September 2021, as well as the outcome of the Regional Workshop on Sustainable Food Systems which was held online on 18 October 2021 for the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization and Economic Cooperation Organization.

At the meeting participants considered the current situation regarding the implementation of the project “Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization Regional Cooperation Centre for Sustainable Food Systems” which aims to create awareness among the BSEC Member States on sustainable food systems and strengthen their collaboration and effective networking in the region.