The Fifty-Third Meeting of the PABSEC Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee, Chisinau, 21-22 October 2019

The Fifty-Third Meeting of the PABSEC Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee was held in Chisinau on 21-22 October 2019 upon the invitation of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova.

The Meeting was attended by the national delegations of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Metin Gundogdu, Chairman of the Committee (Turkey).

At the Opening Ceremony the participants were addressed by Ms. Zinaida Greceanii, President of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Petru Burduja, Head of the PABSEC Moldovan delegation, Mr. Metin Gundogdu, Chairman of the PABSEC Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee, Mr. Adrian Lebedinsky , Chairman of the Commission of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on Culture, Education, Science, Youth, Sports and Mass Media, Ms. Anna Gerganova, Head of the Department for Employment Policy and Migration Regulation, Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova, Ms. Raisa Dogaru, Director of the National Employment Agency of the Republic of Moldova and Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General.

The Committee reviewed and approved the draft Report and Recommendation 172/2019 “Unemployment in the BSEC Member States. The Role of the State in Facilitating Job Creation”, which will be submitted to the Fifty-Fourth Plenary Session of the General Assembly in Sofia on 20-21 November 2019.

The members of the Committee re-elected Mr. Metin Gundogdu, member of the PABSEC Turkish delegation, to the post of the Chairman of the PABSEC Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee for next two years. The election of two Vice-Chair of the Committee has been postponed.

The Fifty-Fourth meeting of the Committee will be held in Bucharest on 1-2 April 2020. The main item on the agenda will be dedicated to the topic of healthcare development in the Black Sea region. The final title of the report will be clarified and sent to the delegations. The Rapporteur on the Report will be Mr. Ion Vulpescu, member of the PABSEC Romanian delegation.