The 55th Meeting of the PABSEC Legal and Political Affairs Committee was organised online on 9 July 2020

The 55th Meeting of the PABSEC Legal and Political Affairs Committee was organised online on 9 July 2020 with the technical support of the PABSEC International Secretariat.

The national delegations of Albania. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, and Turkey took part in the Meeting. Mr. Mikhail Emelianov, Chairman of the Committee (Russia) chaired the Meeting.

The Committee adopted the draft Report and draft Recommendation 174/2020 on “Legislative Framework for the realization of the Projects connecting Europe and Asia (One Belt - One Road)” that will be presented for the consideration of the 55th Plenary Session of the General Assembly.

The Committee adopted amendments to the PABSEC Rules of Procedure and the Staff Regulations on the PABSEC International Secretariat that will be submitted for approval of the 55th Meeting of the Standing Committee.

The Committee postponed the elections to the position of Vice-Chairman of the Committee because candidates were not submitted.

The next 56th Meeting of the Committee will be held in Azerbaijan on 14-15 October 2020. The main item on the Agenda will be “The Role of Parliaments in Combating Pandemic – Legal and Political Aspects”. The Rapporteur on the Report will be Mr. Pavel Hristov, member of the PABSEC Bulgarian Delegation.

The PABSEC Secretary General informed the members of the Committee that an agreement was reached with the Serbian delegation to hold the 55th Meeting of the Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee in October in Serbia and noted that the PABSEC Calendar 2020 will be updated respectively.