Visit of Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, to the IPA CIS Headquarters, St. Petersburg, 20-21 January 2022

On 20-21 January 2022, Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, visited the headquarters of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the Tavricheskiy Palace in St. Petersburg and met with the leadership of the Secretariat of the IPA CIS Council: Mr. Dmitry Kobitsky, Secretary General - Head of the Secretariat of the IPA CIS Council (via videoconference), Mr. Aydin Jafarov, Deputy Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council - Plenipotentiary Representative of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Mr. Alexey Dolzhikov, Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the IPA CIS Council.

During the conversation, the PABSEC Secretary General, informed his colleagues about the current activities of the PABSEC and about the preparatory work for the forthcoming 59th General Assembly under the PABSEC Russian Presidency, which will be held in June 2022.

Representatives of the Secretariat of the IPA CIS Council, briefly informed Mr. Hajiyev on the current activities of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly and the upcoming plans for organizing the Plenary Session, in March 2022.

It was emphasized the importance of strengthening the cooperation between the PABSEC and the IPA CIS and between the structures of both Assemblies and also an exchange of views took place regarding the plans for celebrating the 30th anniversary of the IPA CIS and the PABSEC.