The 59th Meeting of the PABSEC Economic, Commercial and Financial Affairs Committee, 3 November 2022

The 59th Meeting of the PABSEC Economic, Commercial and Financial Affairs Committee was held online on 3 November 2022 with the technical support of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Meeting was attended by the national delegations of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine, as well as a representative of the BSEC Permanent International Secretariat. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Petar Kanev, Chairman of the Committee (Bulgaria).

The Committee approved the draft Report and Recommendation 185/2022 “Challenges and Prospects of Cooperation in the Field of Agriculture in the BSEC Member States after the Pandemic”, which will be submitted for consideration by the Sixtieth Plenary Session of the PABSEC General Assembly.

The Committee took note of the information on the current activities of the BSEC Organization presented by Mr. Dimitrios Rallis, Deputy Secretary General of the BSEC Permanent International Secretariat.

The next 60th Meeting of the Committee will be held in the Republic of North Macedonia on 5-6 April 2023. The main subject will be “The Role of Parliaments in Enhancing Energy Security in the BSEC Member States”. Ms. Vjollca Ademi, member of the PABSEC North-Macedonian Delegation, has been appointed Rapporteur for the Report.