Participation of the PABSEC Delegation in the Observation of Early Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, 11 July 2021

The PABSEC Delegation, composed of Mr. Lorant-Zoltan Sas, PABSEC Vice-President, Head of the PABSEC Romanian Delegation, Mr. Cemal Ozturk, PABSEC Vice-President, Head of the PABSEC Turkish Delegation, Mr. Elshad Mirbashiroglu, member of the PABSEC Azerbaijani Delegation and Mr. Daniel Dulca, PABSEC Deputy Secretary General, took part in the observation mission of early parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova, in Chisinau, on 11 July 2021.

On the Elections day, the monitoring delegation visited several polling stations in different districts of Chisinau. A common assessment of the PABSEC Delegation was that the elections had been well organized, and all the regulations had been strictly followed. They estimated that the Elections day had passed without any significant incidents and the parliamentary elections were held in a democratic and transparent atmosphere, with high electoral participation.

The PABSEC Delegation noticed a good organization of the electoral process in the Republic of Moldova.

At the end of the Elections day, 48.19% of voters cast their ballots. The electoral threshold for the parties was 5%.

According to preliminary information, issued by social research agencies, the Action and Solidarity Party gained the majority, with 55.1%, followed by the Electoral Bloc of Communists and Socialists, with 24% and the Sor Party, with 8.1%. The other parties and political entities did not reach the threshold of 5%.