Participation of the PABSEC delegation in the observation of parliamentary elections in the Republic of Bulgaria, Sofia, 11 July 2021

PABSEC Delegation composed of Mr. David Sergeenko, PABSEC Vice-president, Head of the PABSEC Georgian Delegation, Ms. Anna Purtova, PABSEC Vice-president, Head of the PABSEC Ukrainian Delegation, and Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, took part in the observation mission for parliamentary elections in the Republic of Bulgaria in Sofia on 11 July 2021. The PABSEC Delegation was accompanied by Mrs. Pavlina Lozanova, Secretary of the PABSEC Legal and Political Affairs Committee.

On 10 July 2021, in the framework of the monitoring mission, the PABSEC Delegation visited the Central Election Commission (CEC) and had a meeting with members of the Commission, who delivered information about the electoral procedure, the legislative system, as well as the function and the composition of the CEC. It was noted that full machinery voting was introduced, as well as the number of polling stations abroad was increased.

On Election Day, the monitoring delegation visited various polling stations in different districts of Sofia. A common assessment of the PABSEC Delegation was that the election had been well organized, and all the regulations had been strictly followed. They estimated that Election Day had passed without any significant incidents and the parliamentary elections were held in a democratic and transparent atmosphere. As a general conclusion, the PABSEC Delegation noticed a good organization and management of the electoral process in the Republic of Bulgaria.

According to preliminary evaluations, 27.2% of voters cast their ballots. There was no threshold for the participation of voters. The electoral threshold for the parties was 4%.

According to preliminary information, issued by social research agencies, the political party “There is Such a People” received 23.9% of the votes. The second was the Coalition GERB - SDS with 23.7% of the votes. Coalition BSP - For Bulgaria got 13.5%. The right party “Democratic Bulgaria” got 12.5% and the Political party “Movement for Rights and Freedom” got a fifth place with 10.6% of the votes. The Coalition “Rise up! Thugs out!” got 5.03% of the voters.