The meetings of the Bureau of the Assembly and the Standing Committee were held on 6 December 2022 in Belgrade

The meetings of the Bureau of the Assembly and the Standing Committee were held on 6 December 2022 in Belgrade, chaired by Mr. Vladimir Orlic, PABSEC President, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

At the Sixty-sixth meeting of the Bureau of the Assembly adopted: the Minutes of the Sixty-fifth Meeting of the Bureau, Draft Agenda of the Sixtieth Meeting of the Standing Committee, Draft Agenda of the Sixtieth Plenary Session, Draft Program of the Sixtieth General Assembly, Procedural Issues of the Sixtieth Plenary Session of the PABSEC General Assembly, Progress Report of the Parliamentary Assembly and Participation of PABSEC representatives in international gatherings from December 2022 to July 2023. The Bureau took note of the information on the implementation of the Budget of the Assembly.

The Bureau approved the candidacy for the post of PABSEC Deputy Secretary General in charge of Administrative and Financial Affairs; appointed Ms. Milena Ljubinkovic from Serbia as Secretary of the Economic, Commercial and Financial Affairs Committee starting with 1 July 2023, Ms. Anna Shmyk from Ukraine as Secretary of the Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee starting with 1 March 2023 and Ms. Gohar Evadjian from Armenia as Research Archivist starting with 1 March 2023; The Bureau also agreed with the proposal of the PABSEC Secretary General to exchange the positions of the secretaries of the PABSEC Economic, Commercial and Financial Affairs Committee and Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee starting with 1 March 2023. The Bureau also decided to organise elections of the PABSEC Deputy Secretary General for Organizational matters in the framework of the 61st General Assembly in Türkiye in 2023.

The Sixtieth meeting of the PABSEC Standing Committee approved the Minutes of the Fifty-eighth meeting, adopted the draft Agenda of the Sixtieth Plenary Session of the General Assembly, approved the Progress Report of the Parliamentary Assembly, approved the proposals of the committees on the issues to be considered in the first half of 2023 and adopted the PABSEC Calendar for 2023.

Members of the Standing Committee took note of the information on the participation of PABSEC representatives in international gatherings in June-November 2022.

The Standing Committee supported the proposal to take a respective decision at the Plenary Session on granting observer status to the Hungarian National Assembly.

The Standing Committee also took note of the information on the Auditing Report for the 2021 financial year, on the Receipt of contributions to the 2022 Budget, and on the draft PABSEC Budget for the 2023 financial year.