The Meetings of the Bureau of the Assembly and the Standing Committee were held online on 6 August 2020.

The Meetings of the Bureau of the Assembly and the Standing Committee were held online on 6 August 2020 and were chaired by Mr. Archil Talakvadze, PABSEC President, Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia.

The 62nd Meeting of the Bureau of the Assembly adopted: the Minutes of the 61st Meeting of the Bureau, the Draft Agenda of the 55th Meeting of the Standing Committee, the Draft Agenda of the 55th Plenary Session, the Draft Program of the 55th General Assembly, the Matters of Procedure of the 55th Plenary Session of the PABSEC General Assembly, the Progress Report of the Parliamentary Assembly and the Participation of PABSEC representatives in international events from July to December 2020. The Bureau took note of the information on the execution of the budget of the Assembly.

The Bureau approved the candidates for the positions of the PABSEC Vice-Presidents for the elections at the Plenary Session.

The members of the Bureau decided that the vacancy is announced for the post of the Secretary of the PABSEC Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee.

The Bureau also decided that the elections of the PABSEC Deputy Secretary General in Charge of Organizational Matters and the PABSEC Deputy Secretary General in Charge of Inter-Parliamentary Relations and Protocol will be held in Athens in December 2020.

The 55th Meeting of the PABSEC Standing Committee approved the Minutes of the 54th Meeting, adopted the Draft Agenda of the 55th Plenary Session of the General Assembly, approved the Progress Report of the Parliamentary Assembly, approved the proposals by the Committees on the issues to be considered during the second half of 2020 and adopted the PABSEC Calendar for 2020.

The members of the Standing Committee took note of the information on the participation of PABSEC representatives in international events from November 2019 to July 2020.The Standing Committee also took note of the information on the Auditing Report for the 2019 Financial Year, on the Receipt of Contributions to the 2020 budget, and the Draft 2021PABSEC Budget.

The Standing Committee approved the amendments to the PABSEC Rules of Procedure and the Staff Regulations for the PABSEC International Secretariat.

The Standing Committee adopted the Decision “On holding secret ballot during videoconference meetings”.