The 54th PABSEC General Assembly, Sofia, 19-21 November 2019 - third day, 21 November 2019 - Plenary Session

The 54th Plenary Session of the PABSEC General Assembly continued its work on 21 November 2019.

On the second day of the Plenary Session in the framework of the Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee, the Assembly adopted the Report and Recommendation 172/2019 “Unemployment in the BSEC Member States. The Role of the State in Facilitating Job Creation”.

The Assembly also confirmed the decision of the Standing Committee to hold the 54th Plenary Session of the PABSEC General Assembly in Georgia in June 2020. It was also confirmed that the following issues will be considered during the spring meetings of the committees:

In the framework of the PABSEC Economic, Commercial, Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee: “Development of Financial Technologies in the BSEC Member States”.

In the framework of the PABSEC Legal and Political Affairs Committee: “Legislative Framework for the Realization of the Projects linking Europe and Asia (One Belt - One Road).”

In the framework of the PABSEC Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee: “Preservation and Contemporary Role of Historical Healthcare Facilities in the BSEC Member States”.

The General Assembly adopted the PABSEC 2020 Budget and approved the composition of the Draft Budget and Auditing Commission (Moldova, Serbia, Turkey), which will prepare a draft 2021 budget and the Auditing Report for 2019 Financial Year.

In the concluding part of the Plenary Session, the PABSEC Presidency was handed over to the Parliament of Georgia.

The Plenary Session completed its work on 21 November 2019.